“You fussy feline! Wait, I’ll feed you as soon as I’m finished washing the dishes!”
I blinked once at her. I don’t get it. How could she have not understood what I was saying to her when I understood her just fine? I stared at her and I tried once more.
“Meow!” I said.
She glanced at me, but said nothing.
I walked to her room and got under the bed.
After a few minutes of washing; she, Natalie, finally came to her room. I was still under her bed; for when she sat down, I could hear the old mattress springs creaking.
I crawled out from under the bed and looked around. Natalie laid in her bed staring at the wall. I sighed. I jumped up onto the bed and I cuddled up close to her because I knew that she was crying right now. I knew that she felt all alone because her father works 24/7. I wanted to be able to comfort her. I purred. She looked at me and smiled. She held me tightly and kissed the top of my head.
She whispered to me.
“Levi, you’re my only friend.”
I thought to myself, ‘I know and I love you.’
But she didn’t answer. Then again, I didn’t expect her to anyway.
During the middle of the night, I saw a comet shoot across the sky. I remembered that Natalie would make a wish whenever that happened. So, I tried making a wish too while Natalie was sleeping. This is what I said:
“Please, I wish to be able to comfort Natalie Fray more than I ever could as a cat. I want to hold her in my arms at least once if not ever.”
I waited, but nothing happened. How discouraging. I decided I would try to sleep a little more, maybe things like this just needed a little more time.
The next morning I heard screaming, loud screaming. I opened my eyes to see what all the commotion was about. It was Natalie freaking out x10.
“Get out! Who are you?!” she yelled, “eek!!!!”
Before I could explain, or even figure out what was happening, she started hitting me with a pillow.
“Wait-----!!!!!” I tried to say.
I jumped out of her bed and tried to run somewhere to hide, but I realized that I didn’t know how to use brand new human feet. I also realized that the one good thing about being a cat was that I had fur all over my body. Now, I only have yellow fur, or hair, on my head. Without a furry body, I sort of feel kind of, well… you know, naked.
I crawled to the laundry room to find something to put on. I found one of Natalie’s dad’s work shirts. I put it on and I tried my best to button it. The floor in the laundry room was cold. I studied my new body. I inspected my new feet; I wiggled my new toes. My feet were long and wide like flippers. In fact, my arms and legs were long as well. Perhaps I was tall now. Hmmmm. I used a wall as support as I tried to stand again.
I noticed a mirror on that wall and looked in it.
I saw my reflection. I blushed. I didn’t know that I was so handsome. I always had silvereyes and yellow hair; but, I never noticed the beauty in these features until I became human.
My legs started to get weak and ache, so I got on all-fours and started crawling again.
I figured that Natalie had finished freaking out so I went to find her. She was in the kitchen fixing a bowl of cat food for her cat, Levi. I told her that I’m Levi, but she wouldn’t believe me.
She sat the bowl on the floor and started calling her kitty.
“Levi, come here boy!” she called.
No response.
To show her I wasn’t kidding, I picked up the bowl and started eating out of it. She stared at me. I stared back at her.
Apparently, she thought this was funny. I don’t know why, but I laughed too. Then, I started crying. My stomach hurt.
“Stop eating that.” She said to me, “you’re not a cat anymore.”

“Natalie, I’ve always loved you.” I said, “I’ve loved you since the day you were born, always.”
This was true. Her parents adopted me as a kitten a day before Natalie’s mom gave birth to her. When I was finally allowed to see Natalie, I fell in love instantly.
I could tell that she was speechless. She just stared at me; but then, she did something amazing. She kissed me. I couldn’t think of what to do next so I just held her close to me.
I didn’t know if I would turn back into a cat anytime soon, but I did know that my biggest wish was just granted and that today would be the start of something cool.
Yay! You posted it, T'Miyah! You found some great illustrations, too!